Ellie's Chat Club Wikia


Ravenclaw is the secondary antagonist in Ludwig's Adventure and one of the two main antagonists in Ludwig and the Gang. He is a wizard and potions master. He is the only known cause to the third danger.

Origin of Name[]

Ravenclaw comes from the Harry Potter house.


Killed By[]

Ellie kills Precious, which catches Ravenclaw off guard. Ludwig then stabs him several times.


  • He created the Wither with the help of Thibo and Witherstorm.
  • It is unknown how he escaped in Ludwig and the Gang. It is possible he punched his way out, even though it would take a while due to obsidian only able to be mined and picked up with a diamond pickaxe.
  • He is currently the only Minecraftia character to be revived from the dead.